Monday, 15 June 2009
Waiting for the future
I ask my mother what will I be
Will I’ll pretty, will I’ll be rich?
That’s what she said to me…”
If I think, in five years more I’ll be in the thirties, so that’s the problem begins.
When I think in the future I’m very sure about what I want to be or to do. I have my life’s plan. What of those things will be really happens, well, I hope most of them. But that naturally fear for the unknown future doesn’t forbid to dream.
In five years more I hope to be studying my post grade here in Chile, to have a good work related with the career, for example, making historical investigations for a museum or another institution.
I will like to have my own apartment with my boyfriend Andres, but nothing for the rest of our lives, because we want to study our doctorate in another country and to live there.
I’ll want to have published my third poetry book and my first academic book.
No children, no cars, no marry.
A big library. My own library, of course. Smalls problems. Perfect English language dominion. Flowers and dogs.
Sounds good.
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Pieces of what?

- He was a funny man (don't know why, but people laughs)
- He told something about a girl who draw a God.
- When his son was 4, they moved from Stanford to Los Angeles.
- He think creativity development is not important in the public education.
- He noted maths and lenguages are the most important topic at school's education.
- He think the dance, for example, could be important to because we have bodies to use them.
- The sistem privileges the head up to the rest of the body. Means the most important thing it's the mental develop.
- There are problems with that in relation with the university's education.
- He think the women can do more things at same time than men.
- There're people have to move to think, like a dancer, people that can't be still to think.
In my opinion, the education sistem, there and here, compress us to memorize and repeat knowledge, norms of behavior, how to study, how to work, how to write, etc. but don't let us the free expression to our natural ways. The education sistem cut our posibilities of to develop our creativity, just because we have to be quiet and sit in the classroom.
In my case, my mother figth throug that robotized education and gave me the instruments to develop all my creativity and don't let it turn down in the school. It is tremendously useful in my life.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Manierism in the Art History

This semester I’ve took only subjects that I like, fortunely.
The term that gave to me more knowledge (interesting and fun knowledge) has been “El concepto del Manierismo en la pintura europea
I’ve learned about a strange and complicated period of the art history that came to
The Mannerism is a style between Renaissance and Baroque in the European arts. It borne in
Now, I have to do the final work for this subject. I have to find a painting here, in Santiago-Chile, that I can situate in the Mannerism style and write an investigation. I hope to get a good mark!
I will post it in my spanish blog then.
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
The big of the biggest